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Padrino's Pops was first established in Nashville, Tennessee in June of 2014, but that is not where our story began.

Padrino's Pops comes from a long legacy of Paleteros, or popsicles experts, from Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico beginning in the early 1970's.

Today, Padrino's Pops is an accomplished reality of the American dream!

The Beginning

It All Starts With Faith

My father Geronimo, the smiley 'stash man on the left, grew up in a very impoverished town in Michoacan, Mexico.

He was the oldest of 15 children.

My father did not have the privilege of finishing elementary school due to his families lack of financial resources. However my father made a promise to himself- no other generation would go without the opportunity, or resources, to fulfill all of their educational goals.

In 1974, my Grandpa received the wonderful opportunity to purchase a local paleteria. He knew that this would be his chance to take his family out of poverty.

Later, in February of 1980, my dad opened up his own paleteria!

La Flor de Michoacan.

With the help and support of my Mom, Dora Maria, my fathers first paleteria began to flourish which lead to him opening up his second paleteria!


And the rest is history! 
All of my fathers siblings were able to graduate from high school.My siblings and I all earned our higher education degrees as well.


Though our noble and beautiful craft as paleteros, my siblings and I have had the incredible opportunity to offer much more to our own children!



In February of 1980, my parents, Geronimo and Dora Maria, were able to open up the very first paleteria in

Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico. 

The first paleteria opens!



Padrino's Pops  was brought to Tennessee!




After years of planning, I was able to open up my first paleteria in Nashville, TN.


To this day, all of our paletas are made the traditional way- fresh fruit and locally sourced cream!

Most special of all is that our paletas are still made with our original family recipes dated back to the 1970's.



It was hard to let go of our store front, but we knew that in order for Padrino's Pops to grow it was time to pursue something bigger!

With that, Padrino's Pops became mobile!


Padrino's Pops became mobile


Our Mission 

Our mission is to continue sharing the love and passion of my Dad through our paletas.
We want to provide the traditional and authentic taste of our culture though our use of fresh fruit and locally sourced ingredients. 



Our Name

While throwing out name ideas at the dinner table, we all joked about the resemblance Geronimo had to Don Vito from the famous mafia film of The God Father. 
Then suddenly someone bursted out, " Padrino's Pops!" 
It was perfect!

In Spanish, padrino means godfather. Geronimo had gotten his family out of extreme poverty though faith and hard commitment. The name could not be more perfect.

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